Thursday, March 18, 2010

Animation Contest Grand Prize winner

DC Universe Online /Mass Animation-Animation Contest!

Have been selected as the Grand Prize Winner for your Submission for Game Animation Shot #PA140. The Grand Prize consists of the opportunity to have Submission included in the Game, an the opportunity to receive an on-screen credit in the Game, and a copy of the Game when it ships.

thanx mass animation for getting me to
Collaborate with the DCUO development team and talented people from all over the world to bring this innovative project to life!

will need to do some refining of the shot through REEL FX insight software same as previous mass animation Hollywood short live music.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE Game animation shot's Phase 2 part3

In game animation Sequence Body Language 2
each shot is of 30 frames per second loop in adobe premiere with idle pose at end and start of frame

Shot No.#PA 0180
Name- scary_sit
A terrifying male is sitting

Shot No.#PA 0200
Name- afraid_dance
A scared female dances (on the spot)

Shot No.#PA 0210
Name- afraid_greet
A scared female extends a greeting (welcome, hello)

Shot No.#PA 0220
Name- afraid_dismiss
A scared female makes a dismissive gesture (dismiss, rude)

Shot No.#PA 0240
Name- afraid_sit
A scared female is sitting

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE Game animation shot's Phase 2 part2

In game animation Sequence Body Language 2
each shot is of 30 frames per second loop in adobe premiere with idle pose at end and start of frame

Shot No.# PA 0130
Name- scary_idle
A terrifying male stands ideling

Shot No.# PA 0140
Name- scary_dance
A terrifying male dances (on the spot)

Shot No.# PA 0150
Name- scary_greet
A terrifying male extends a greeting (welcome, hello)

Shot No.# PA 0170
Name- scary_walk
A terrifying male walks (walk cycle)

Monday, February 15, 2010

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE Game animation shot's Phase 2 part1

In game animation Sequence Hero Action 2
each shot is of 30 frames per second loop in adobe premiere with idle pose at end and start of frame

Shot No.# GA 0100
Name- shout
A female shouts loudly, two hands cupped around mouth

Shot No.# GA 0110
Name- yawn
A male yawns - extended slow sleepy stretch

Shot No.# GA 0120
Name- thumbsup
A male gives a ‘two thumbs up’ gesture of approval

Shot No.# GA 0130
Name- slap_hip
A female smacks her hip in frustration (Darn!)

Shot No.# GA 0140
Name- gimme
A female gestures with her hands "I'm ready, bring it on!"

Shot No.# GA 0180
Name- smack
A female smacks her forehead (Sigh…)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE cinematic trailer shot's phase 2

dc-universe project
uploaded animation shot for cinematic trailer phase 2 .


Shot #MT0090
Shot Description
CU of Lex teleporting Circe and The Joker to Metropolis on his suit. Superman stands
behind him

Shot #MT0130
Shot Description
CU of Superman knocked back as he sees….

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE Game animation shot's part3

In game animation Sequence Body Language 1
each shot is of 30 frames per second loop in adobe premiere with idle pose at end and start of frame

Shot No.# PA 0070
Name- arrogant_idle
An arrogant female stands idleing

Shot No.#PA 0080
Name- arrogant_dance
An arrogant female dances (on the spot)

Shot No.#PA 0090
Name- arrogant_greet
An arrogant female extends a greeting (welcome, hello)

Shot No.#PA 0100
Name- arrogant_dismiss
An arrogant female makes a dismissive gesture (dismiss, rude)

Shot No.#PA 0110
Name- arrogant_walk
An arrogant female walks (walk cycle)

Shot No.#PA 0120
Name- arrogant_sit
An arrogant female is sitting

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE Game animation shot's part2

In game animation Sequence Body Language 1
each shot is of 30 frames per second loop in adobe premiere with idle pose at end and start of frame

Shot No.# PA 0020
Name- oafish_dance
An oafish male dances (on the spot)

Shot No.# PA 0030
Name- oafish_greet
An oafish male extends a greeting (welcome. hello)

Shot No.# PA 0040
Name- oafish_dismiss
An oafish male makes a dismissive gesture (dismiss, rude)

Shot No.# PA 0050
Name- oafish_walk
An oafish male walks (walk cycle)

Shot No.# PA 0060
Name- oafish_sit
An oafish male is sitting

Sunday, January 24, 2010

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE Game animation shot's part1

In game Sequence Hero Action 1
each shot is of 30 frames per second loop in adobe premiere with idle pose at end and start of frame

Shot No.# 0020
Name- fist
A male does a ‘fist pump’ cheer gesture, for example, bringing his elbow to
his knee

Shot No.# GA 0030
Name- listen
A female listens to earpiece with two fingers to her ear

Shot No.# GA 0040
Name- yank
A male yanks (pulls fast and hard) something away from a wall/person

Shot No.# GA 0050
Name- switch
A female ‘activates an alarm’ (flips a lever/switch with two hands)

Shot No.# GA 0060
Name- surprise
A female has a moment of surprise!

Shot No.# GA 0090
Name- comeon
A female has a moment of surprise!

Monday, January 18, 2010

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE cinematic trailer shot's part 2

dc-universe project
uploaded animation shot for cinematic trailer .


Shot #GC0150
Shot Description
As the Joker recovers struggling to his knees, 5 new villains emerge from the flash -
Howitzer, Cyborg, Insectoid, VooDoo and Goth and he starts to get up

Shot #GC0160
Shot Description
Close-up on Joker as he looks from the new villains to Batman, and smiles insanely.


Shot #PI0090
Shot Description
Wonder Woman preparing for a tougher battle is surprised by a blue flash and turns
looking over her shoulder to see a group of new heroes who have emerged to help her.
She turns back smiling.

Friday, January 8, 2010

time to follow shot Instructions notes ( cinematic trailer shot's)

dc-universe project
uploaded animation shot for cinematic trailer .


Shot # GC_0060
Shot Description
We pan left with the security guard's hat as it rolls off (kicked from guards head offscreen)
into a puddle as we reveal the reflection of the Bat-Signal and we push into an extreme

Shot #GC0080
Shot Description
Batman holding his Baterang ziplines down screen left to screen right

Shot # GC_0110
Shot Description
Batman enters screen left kicks The Joker's gun hand, and gets knocked to the ground.
Joker regains balance and swings a punch at Batman's head, Batman ducks, The Joker
tries to kick Batman and Batman executes a handstand flip kicking The Joker in the head.